My Mothers Day Gift to My Kids

momsdayYesterday my kids were on their best Mothers Day behavior. They told me they loved me, made glittery cards, and showered me with Rainbow Loom bracelets.

But today is a new day, and my kids are back to fighting.

My kids fight because they’re jealous of each other. Each of them wants to have all my love, all my attention, all my gifts, all my praise. When they have to share me (or anything), they feel threatened and insecure. Then the bickering, arguing, shoving, and name-calling begin.

I would love to give my kids one gift, which would make all the difference in their lives: I wish they could see themselves the way I see them. I wish each one could trust the individual gifts God has given only to them. I wish each child could believe how special and unique they are. I wish each could see their amazing potential to be powerful, kind, successful, and happy. I wish every one of my kids could trust me when I say that I love them and I believe in them.

If my kids could trust that, I know they would stop fighting so much. If my kids could be secure in God’s promise that He gifted each of them with specific talents, they wouldn’t want to tear down their siblings. If each child could believe God has specifically created them for their own special calling, they wouldn’t be so jealous of their what their brothers and sisters have. Maybe then, there would be peace on Earth. Or, at least, peace at the breakfast table.

I’m sure this is the same gift my own mom would like to give to me. I’m sure just about every mother since Eve has wanted her children to feel uniquely loved. But learning to keep your eyes on your own prizes is so hard. This is a lesson we have to keep relearning over and over, isn’t it? This gift is almost impossible to really accept. Eve didn’t do a great job of teaching it. And I’m afraid I’m not either.

So, I’m relying on God to help my kids see themselves the way I see them. I’m asking Him to give me the words, the actions, the one-on-one time to love them individually. I’m asking Him to help me to speak love into each child to build them up. I’m hoping to say and do what each child needs so they can trust they are a one-of-a-kind creations.

I’m asking God for peace at the breakfast table, for peace at bedtime, and for peace in the backseat of the minivan.





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