Dear Catie…. When you were younger and you didn’t understand something, it seemed harmless. Look at you trying to type! One day we will laugh about how hard this was for you. You hate to comb your hair. You’ll look back on pictures of this and cringe. But now that you’re in Middle School, it feels...Continue Reading
Dear Elisabeth….. Welcome to Third Grade, sweetheart. Lately, you seem more like 39 than 9. Every morning, when you walk down the stairs (with your hair combed, your shoes tied, and your game face on), it’s like you’re a middle-aged woman off to her demanding job. But then …you tell me about your dreams (or nightmares)...Continue Reading
Dear Nate…. It’s a little shocking to see you in your hipster glasses and big First Grade desk, ready to tackle a year of spelling tests and fast facts. You’re the baby of our family, and we would all probably feel most comfortable if you needed us to keep wiping your nose until you’re 22. But it’s only...Continue Reading
Dear Catie (on your first day of middle school)… Suddenly, here you are, at the tipping point between childhood and adolescence, right at the center of growing up. The teenager-you is slowly emerging. You’re suddenly taller than some grown-ups, your wide brown eyes are pretty, in the way that will never need mascara. You can cook dinner, beat Daddy and me at trivia, and understand...Continue Reading
Dear Elisabeth…. Wow! You have been so READY for today. You packed your backpack days ago. You set out the perfect first-day-of-school outfit last night. As we’ve talked and prayed about this year, you’ve said over and over: I want to do everything right. Elisabeth, you are outstanding at doing what’s right. You are a homework-finishing, uniform-wearing, seated-before-the-bell-rings...Continue Reading
Dear Nate… You are so ready for Kindergarten. You have heard the stories about how ridiculously fun Mrs. Miesner is. You have watched the Kindergarten classes as they played big-kid instruments at chapel. You have heard unbelievable tales of Kindergarteners reading whole books–on their own. You have listened wide-eyed to the incredible stories of a class with no naps, who has cooking lessons and...Continue Reading
Happy Last Day of School! We’re finally here. After six years of class parties, recess four-square, playgrounds, fast-facts, and planners, you get to say good-bye to Elementary School. Welcome to Middle School. Welcome to lockers, your own laptop, friends with cell phones, adolescence, crushes, and long nights of homework. Welcome to a weird time in your life....Continue Reading
Sweet Elisabeth… You are the picture of the perfect First Grader: excited to learn, confident of what you know, determined to please your teacher, liked by your classmates, and enthusiastic about every single part of your day. Your enthusiasm for the school day is fun to watch, Elisabeth. You’re dressed in your uniform before the...Continue Reading
Dear Nate…. This is your first year to go to school all day and every day. No more pajama days. No more Best Friend Days with just me and you. Ready or not, your days will be filled with school for the next twenty years. Ready or not, your are now a big-boy student. Of...Continue Reading
Dear Catie… Fifth Grade has got to be easier than the last couple of years. In Third Grade we discovered so much about how you learn. In Fourth Grade we found out how well you get along with your class. You know yourself better now and understand how you learn best. You’re confident your teacher...Continue Reading