

A Prayer for Catie & Sophmore Year

Dear Lord…. Here we are, God. Year 2. Lord, You keep working Your perfect plan, and I continue to be grateful. Thank You for being with Catie through freshman year, God. You were right there with her—through the nights she stayed out with new friends and the days when she was homesick and weary. Through...
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Dear Nate (on your first day of 8th grade)-

Thank you, sir, for this Summer of Ping Pong.  The hundreds of games we played together (ping! pong! ping! pong!) set the summer tone. You are bouncing between full-teenager (your first phone & mission trip) and full-kid. This was a hard summer to be the baby of our family. You hate feeling left behind as...
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4 Reasons Your Teen Needs Camp

A month ago, our daughter Catie left for her summer at Camp Lone Star. She’s serving as a counselor. We’re happy for her to have this unique, wonderful experience. And we’re sad for us because we miss her so much. Last week, I got to serve as the V(ery) I(nspirational) P(erson) at CLS. Besides the...
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Welcome to Houston. Here’s What to Do…

Welcome to Houston, the most ethnically diverse city in the U.S.Our people are loyal and loud. The brutal heat, constant traffic, and devastating hurricanes unite us in deep and important ways. And so, when it comes to welcoming visitors, we do it with confidence.Welcome to the very best big city in the world. Here’s what...
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Inspired as Beautiful Art!

It’s been a bit of bad news lately, but here is something that makes me smile. I’m sharing it with you because it’s beautiful and a captivating illustration of the Bible study I shared with hundreds of wonderful friends in Kentucky sometimes a picture is worth one million words I would use to describe my...
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What Your Teenager Really Needs in 2020

Connection & Consequences–that’s what your teen needs from you in 2020. I’ve learned this first-hand these past few months as I’ve stepped back into the high school classroom. I’m teaching one class of seniors at a wonderful Christian school. Spending these past few months with these 17 students has reminded me what teens need. Our...
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This is What Your Daughter Needs…

Dear Mamas of Teen Daughters…. Your daughter is hearing too many harmful messages. The world tells her she should be everything to everyone. She believes the lies of social media and thinks that her value is tied up in likes. She is striving for perfection and no one is telling her about grace. This is...
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“I love you and you are worth so much.” –God

Yep, you keep messing up. Your to-do list has had the same three NEED TO DO! tasks on it for weeks now. You thought you would be really good at something but it turns out you’re not and you can’t shake the shame. You’re overdue for your dental cleaning. You spent too much on junk...
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150 Years of Truth and Love

It’s Concordia Publishing House‘s 150th birthday this month and I’m celebrating their ministry the story of what they’ve meant in my life—as a reader, as a Jesus-lover, as a writer, as a mom, and as a teacher. Love in the Library My love for CPH books started where all good stories begin—in the library. My...
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Ten Girls Who Need Shine

10. That girl at your church who helps at VBS…or in the nursery…or in the praise band. (Or, you know, that one teen girl who only shows up every once in a while but you’ve talked to her a couple times. Give here Shine. She will be shocked (and amazed!) that you noticed her. 9. You...
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