Dear Sam,

As I write this, you’re sitting next to me, sweating through AP History notes.

Maybe this is the theme of your junior year—sweat. That certainly has been the theme of the past few months. You sweat so much every day. Yes, of course from all the running you’re doing, but it’s more than that.

You’re sweating through hard classes, sweating through a new identity, sweating through your long, tedious days, sweating through all those miles that you hope to run faster and faster. This is the year of extreme pressure, of people letting you down, of lessons you’ve learned, of humbling & haters, of unconditional love & forgiveness, and of all the ways you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone. High pressure every day.

This pressure fits you. You are an intense kid, and you never do things halfway. My best example of this? Your summer job. You went from not-sure-where-I-want-to work to becoming Bayou Grill’s #1 employee. You hustled, worked double shifts, and literally ran all day to deliver jambalaya and shrimp to tables. And yes, sweating through most of it.

Sam, I learned a long time ago to not try and make life easier for you. You like the epic ups and downs, the drama and cortisol, and the sweating it out. And even though it keeps me on my knees, praying for you, I know this is how you’re wired.

So, I’ll be over here sweating, encouraging, reminding, loving, praying, marveling, cheering, and hoping.

I could not love you more, Sam.


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