

Dear Nate (on your first day of high school)…

Hi, Nate… And here we are at high school. You are so ready. You told me the other day that you were bored at the end of middle school and that wasn’t good for you. I see this. You’re at your best when you feel like you’re doing something epic, fresh, and thrilling. High school...
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Dear Sam (on your first day of junior year)…

Dear Sam, As I write this, you’re sitting next to me, sweating through AP History notes. Maybe this is the theme of your junior year—sweat. That certainly has been the theme of the past few months. You sweat so much every day. Yes, of course from all the running you’re doing, but it’s more than...
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Healthy Teen Relationships

Healthy Teen FriendshipsAs part of my job, I speak a couple of times a month to parent groups. One of my most attended sessions is about helping your teenager navigate relationships.As you’ve probably seen in your own house, high school relationships are hard. The stakes are higher now. Your teenager is navigating friend break-ups, learning...
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Do You Need Inspiration?

If you haven’t checked out my YouTube channel yet, let’s hang out over there. Okay, honestly, how are you feeling lately? I don’t mean “fine.” I mean, how do you really feel? If your answer is any of these–worn out, scared, sad, stuck, or anxious–then this is your invitation to be inspired. If your spiritual...
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Video: Why You Should Send Your Kids to Camp

Sixteen-year-old Catie tells why you should send your kids to summer camp. After nearly a decade of going to camp, Catie has advice about what camp food is really like, how to fall asleep when you're away from home, and the best part of camp: learning you can live without your cell phone.
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Video: Three Tips for Making New Friends

If you have an anxious child or one who is worried about moving. Here is how to make friends at a new school. Nate tells his top three tips for changing schools. He gives expert advice about how to make the move easier, how to meet new people, and how to be your best self!
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5 Lessons from 20 Years as a Writer

So, all this has happened at once: this is my 1,000th blog entry, at the same time I’m working on my tenth book (Shine). Also, 20 years ago I began classes for my Masters degree in Creative Writing and also began writing professionally. The fact all these multiples of ten coincided felt significant–and the right...
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Third Camp Counselor Care Package Giveaway!

After more than thirty years at camps, here’s what I’ve learned about the staff: they are always hungry. This is thanks to combination of a couple facts: 1. counselors burn two million calories a day. 2. the kitchen is closed unless it’s meal time 3. camp cooks are trying to feed more than a hundred...
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Why Writers Really Hate Book Releases

If I could, I would skip book release day all together. It’s like birthdays when you’re young or New Years Eve in your twenties. Too many expectations. Too much fear of rejection. Plus, there’s my control freak’s worry about sharing my words with the world.  Have I done enough? Will the world be friendly? What did I...
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