In Houston, it’s raining for the third day. The summer is both dragging on and way too short. We’re restless for something else and dreading school’s start. I’m working on projects that move too slowly and am ready for relief.
As I journaled about what could help me out of this rut, it felt like a good idea to share my list.
What about you? What do you do when life feels too life-y?
1. Dark Chocolate & Long Showers.
Maybe you’re better at this, but I always forget that I should do things that make me happy. Long walks. Dark chocolate. Solving the Wordle. Hot showers. Lipstick. Telling Mike a story I know he’ll like. Dm’ing my kids funny IG reels. Music by Fun! or the Avett brothers or Elton John blaring from Alexa.
2. Do the Action & the Feeling Follows.
Showing kindness to someone else ALWAYS reminds me to see the hope. Smiling and chatting with strangers. Writing a sticky-note affirmation to one of my kids. Hugging my husband. Texting a Bible verse or prayer. One act of love brightens my mindset.
3.Oh, you too?
When I’m struggling, I mostly want to remember I’m not alone. I want to silence the mean voices in my head. I want conversation, to share a moment with someone, to hear another story. So, when I’m sad, I text three people who I love and tell them something happy. I call someone (my mom is a great conversationalist). I walk around the neighborhood and chat with the neighbors. Connection for the win.
4. Feel the Yuck.
Yesterday I drove to Galveston to help our beach house guests with the golf cart. It’s always awkward to work when guests are there so I usually go at a time when they’re not. This time, though, they were there. I sat in my car for a minute and felt the stress of walking up the steps and knocking on the door. My stomach burned and I felt weak. But then, the anxiety passed through me and I felt ready to confidently face the awkwardness. (And the guests were super nice.)
5. Walk With Me.
Motion & emotion are connected. Walking for miles with a good podcast or just going up and down the stairs a dozen times to put away laundry gets my body moving and releases the stress that’s pinning my shoulders to my ears.
6. Onion, Butter, Garlic, Salt.
The sights, sounds, feel, and tastes in cooking always get me out of my head. It’s engaging my senses and reminding myself that life is bigger than what’s worrying me. Garlic sizzling. The tactile thwack of slicing carrots. The repetitive stirring–spoon clanging bowl. The slow act of nurturing myself and my family. What about you? What do you cook when you’re feeling down?
7. And, Most Importantly…
Pray for myself and pray for others. Talking to God—the One who can do something about my struggles changes my perspective immediately. I move my anxiety from scared to sacred. Truly. A 10-second prayer. A day of praying over and over. A ten-minute prayer with a friend. Miracles.