
Jesus Love

Dear Nate… (On Your First Day of Seventh Grade)

Dear Nate… (on your first day of Seventh Grade) This year is already different. You are different. You’re growing up, exploring everything, and very much transforming into your own person. I’m honored and exhilarated to watch you become your own, unique person. In a family of runners, you’re trying football instead. All your siblings hated...
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Dear Elisabeth (on your first day of eighth grade)…

The other day a memory popped up of you on your first day of Preschool. I was struck by how your first-day grin has not changed. Back then—and on the first day of eighth grade—your smile looks the same: excited, silly, anxious, and grinning like you have a secret.   That was twelve years ago and,...
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Inspired as Beautiful Art!

It’s been a bit of bad news lately, but here is something that makes me smile. I’m sharing it with you because it’s beautiful and a captivating illustration of the Bible study I shared with hundreds of wonderful friends in Kentucky sometimes a picture is worth one million words I would use to describe my...
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Video: Why You Should Send Your Kids to Camp

Sixteen-year-old Catie tells why you should send your kids to summer camp. After nearly a decade of going to camp, Catie has advice about what camp food is really like, how to fall asleep when you're away from home, and the best part of camp: learning you can live without your cell phone.
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Video: Best Journal for a Teen Girl

Where are you at with journaling? Have you followed the same journaling routine for years? Do you have a record of your daily dramas and big moments? What do you turn to when your weary and need real encouragement? I feel like there are two groups when it comes to journaling: those who do it...
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Family Christmas Gift Guide

Here are my yearly suggestions about what your nearest and dearest might want for Christmas. This year is a little different. Instead of curating strange and wonderful gifts from all over the Internet, these are all from Amazon and they are all available for Prime shipping. Because, let’s face it, if you still need gifts...
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Dear Catie… (on your first day of 11th grade)

Dear Catie-  Wait. Hold on What is happening here?  You—my oldest daughter, young woman, sixteen-year-old—are changing right now more than you ever have before. I did not see this coming.  You, who has always been so exceptionally sweet and laid-back—and a certified black belt at relating to other people—are becoming something even more.   Just when I thought I knew you completely,...
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Three Truths Your Kids Need You to Teach Them This Year

Life in 2020 sounds like a terrible melody of treble notes—-scarcity, panic, and complaining. But our souls need the bass notes. We’re all craving real truth and encouragement.
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This is What Your Daughter Needs…

Dear Mamas of Teen Daughters…. Your daughter is hearing too many harmful messages. The world tells her she should be everything to everyone. She believes the lies of social media and thinks that her value is tied up in likes. She is striving for perfection and no one is telling her about grace. This is...
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“I love you and you are worth so much.” –God

Yep, you keep messing up. Your to-do list has had the same three NEED TO DO! tasks on it for weeks now. You thought you would be really good at something but it turns out you’re not and you can’t shake the shame. You’re overdue for your dental cleaning. You spent too much on junk...
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