
Advice for Moms

Six Kids in a Car. And Puke.

With Nina With Patience So, here’s my funniest story from last week. On Tuesday I was driving all these kids home from VBS. Even though I was blasting the AC, it couldn’t keep up with all those sweaty bodies in my backseat. Everyone was cranky, tired, and hot. Nate was also whining about his tummy....
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The Slumber Parties Must Go On…

Months ago, my friends, Holly and Michelle, and I came up with a creative solution to the scheduling conflict that is our children’s birthdays. My twins and their sons all have birthdays about a week apart. These four kids have been good buddies since they were three-years-old, but they’ve never attended each other’s birthdays because...
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Letters to My Kids II

Dear Catie… Making friends can be hard, can’t it? I understand. It’s hard for me too. Like me, you are good at the initial meeting of people. You ask them lots of questions about themselves. Right away, you like other people. You want them to like you. They do like you. The next step of...
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Packing is Not Half the Fun

Remember yesterday when I told you about Nate’s newfound chattiness? Yesterday was also the day I tried to pack up our group of six for six days at Disneyland. But, oh, my goodness, with the chattiness.  You’d think the three other chatty kids would  have worn me down and given me the skillz to handle...
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The Kids Are Alright: Shaving Cream Edition

We’ve reached that point in the summer when we can remember nothing else. Was there ever homework? Lunch boxes and uniforms? Field trip forms and late-night research projects?  Impossible. Now we live for long days at home. And lots and lots of silliness. Which brings me to this, a blog post I wrote last year...
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Amazing Grace

So, we’re trying something new around here this year for Christmas. In an effort to fight the legalistic YOU BETTER BE GOOD OR NO PRESENTS vibe that is the exact opposite of what God intended Christ’s birth to be, we’re trying to teach our kids grace. Over and over and over and over we’ve asked...
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