

Dear Nate… (On Your First Day of Seventh Grade)

Dear Nate… (on your first day of Seventh Grade) This year is already different. You are different. You’re growing up, exploring everything, and very much transforming into your own person. I’m honored and exhilarated to watch you become your own, unique person. In a family of runners, you’re trying football instead. All your siblings hated...
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Dear Sam… (On Your First Day of High School)

Dear Sam (on your first day of high school), Here we are—fifteen years old, freshman in high school, and learning to drive. It feels exactly right for you to be tackling these milestones, and also a bit startling. To see you in the halls of high school, with boys who are 6’2 and girls who...
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Dear Elisabeth… (On Your First Day of High School)

Has there ever been a weirder start to a school year? On your first day of high school, you went to bed at 2 a.m. This was after saying goodbye to your big sister—and then driving 900 miles from Nebraska, smashed in the backseat with your brothers. This is a metaphor for your place in...
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Lights of the World…

I traveled to Latin America to speak to missionaries. I taught three afternoons of Bible studies to the women and three mornings of Bible studies to teenaged kids of missionary families. This was for the annual conference for the region so over 100 of us gathered together to connect and learn. When I’m working with...
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Ten Lessons From Parenting Through Senior Year

Dear Mom of a New Senior- This will be one of the biggest years of your life. I just finished it and can now see what I didn’t know. Mostly, this year will feel like planning a big wedding, with celebrations for ten months straight. Then, right after the big event, you prepare for the...
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As We Bring Love, Words, and Books…

Next week, Mike and I headed to the Dominican Republic for six days. We are so excited to be part of the Lutheran mission work in Latin America. As we prepare for the trip, I invite you to be part of the love and words we will bring to the missionaries serving 43 church plants...
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Searching for Connection

You’re Looking for Connection Our family has packed and unloaded our minivan a dozen times this summer. We’ve traveled to a cottage in Seaside, a cabin in Breckenridge, the quiet lakes of Nebraska, and the hot, crowded streets of downtown Houston. It’s been a summer of thousands and thousands of miles, of awe and excitement,...
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Five Questions to Ask Your Teen about NYG2022

You’ve seen the pictures and watched the livestream. Now, your kids are headed home from The Gathering and you have high hopes that they came away transformed in some way. And not transformed in the way that they’re too tired to talk about what went down the past five days. Connecting with teens is usually...
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Welcome to Houston. Here’s What to Do…

Welcome to Houston, the most ethnically diverse city in the U.S.Our people are loyal and loud. The brutal heat, constant traffic, and devastating hurricanes unite us in deep and important ways. And so, when it comes to welcoming visitors, we do it with confidence.Welcome to the very best big city in the world. Here’s what...
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The Shock & The Advice…

2022 I could write a book about this one. Not necessarily the advice I have but rather the complete shock I’m in to be so sad the second semester of my oldest’s senior year. Here’s the deal: I have vowed for 17 years to not be a clingy, needy mom when we got to this...
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